Archive: Blog 2007-2014

Sexy and Air France

Paris is romance and mystique. There's alot of effortless sexiness going on in that city - I think it was mandated way back - cro magnon times. Of prehistoric man, cro magnon is the most sexy, non? Just watch/read Clan of the Cave Bear - Ayla was the herald of the Cro Magnon period - and they lived in Paris. Oui, way back. Last week was my first ever flight on Air France, and the experience was steeped in that sexy Parisian vibe. It was the best flight of my life so far for these reasons:
  • Electrical outlets under your seat - practical and sexy
  • Electro-trance with light vocals playing over speakers in flight though cabin for red-eye mood setting - ethereal and sexy at a mile high in the middle of the night
  • In-flight movie was Sex & The City: The Movie - poppy and sexy
  • Champagne flowing nonstop in coach - celebratory and sexy
  • Fluffy tabouleh salad with fresh shrimp, ultra-julienne red bell pepper, a tiny cut of flat leaf parsely and a light drizzle of olive oil - delicate and sexy - check out more pics of in flight meals on Air France and feedback here - despite looks, everyone agrees on delicious taste
  • Free wine with meals - generous and sexy
  • Gorgeous staff - french and sexy
  • Sea horse logo (above) - asymmetrical and sexy
  • Collector's item advertising since 1930's - global and sexy
  • Christian Lacroix uniforms - sexy, french and fantastique. Lets discuss:
The women's uniforms are beautiful. The Air France Uniform corporate brochure
explains the design theory and approach depth, but highlights include darts for structure and confidence, grey-blue accents for uplifting, happy energy and a flirty thin red belt peeking out from around the waist. Classic chignons for the ladies, longer crew cuts or finger waves for the guys - what a stylish air crew!

C'est Manifique!