Day 23/Indie Travel Art Project: Tell us about the best road trip you’ve ever been on.
For me, it’s the journey, not the destination that makes roadtripping a blast: the company, the clothes, the food, the playlist. I recently blogged about my 3 favorite US roadtrips -read it here- so this post will focus on the journey.
Dream Roadtrip Car: Corvette Convertible Roadster
Dream Roadtrip Music: A combination of a themed playlist of the genres and artists made popular by the region I’m driving through, plus periodic breaks to check out local AM and FM radio stations.
Dream Roadtrip Partner: my fiance or my best girlfriend
Dream Roadtrip Fashion: scarf and big glasses, natch!
Dream Roadtrip Food: For snackage, stop at local fruit stands along the road and pick up berries or dried fruit., or a local general-store type place for old school candy such as Abba-Zaba, Zots, Mary Janes, Big Hunk, Milk Duds, Bit-o-Honey or Lemon Heads. Popcorn made with olive oil makes a sensible snack as well, leaving room for grilled cheeses and french fries at any roadside diners that catch your eye.
To GPS or not to GPS? I like to use real fold-out maps. In other words, by day, I’m the navigator and my roadtrip partner is the driver. but by night, that Corvette is all mine!
Happy roadtripping!